Thursday, June 13, 2019

Helping "restless leg syndrome' is simple and easy.

Helping "restless leg syndrome' is simple and easy.

1. Increase fluids like water and Gatorade (especially in hot weather). You should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water, i.e. a 150 lb. person needs roughly 75 oz. of water daily. Gatorade helps replace salts into the muscles like sodium and potassium. This will help the muscles relax.
2. Chiropractic care will help. The muscles only do what your nerves into legs instruct them to do. The leg muscles will not work ideally if the message from the spinal nerves in the low back is not adequate.
3. Magnesium. Magnesium help to relax muscle spasms, charley horses, cramps etc. Pure magnesium supplementation will help.

Medicines and pills are NOT needed. Be well naturally with out the damage of taking medicines.

Drug Companies Relent: No Cold Medicine for TotsImage result for cold medicine
Children under 4 should not be given over-the-counter cough and cold remedies, drug companies said in a concession to pediatricians who doubt the drugs do much good and worry about risks.
Pediatricians, who have been calling for a ban on OTC cough and cold remedies for children under 6, welcomed the industry's latest shift. "Its a huge step forward," said Joshua Sharfstein, Baltimore's health commissioner.

Are You Choosing Life or Early Death?

from Charlie Majors and Time Weselak

Medical Model
1:2 people die of Heart Disease
1:3 people die of Cancer
2 people die every minute
1.5 million Americans injured in hospitals
Every 30 seconds someone dies with Cancer
999,936 people die due to Medicine
Maximized Living Model
200% stronger immune systems
Less Medications
Less Hospital and Doctor Visis
Building Health
Preventing Disease
100% Nervous System Function

If you or your family are living in the medical model your one step closer to a life of sickness, suffering, disease and and early death!

If you and your family are living in the Chiropractic Maximized Living Model you're living a life of health, wellness and vitality!

You either get it and live it or you don't! 
Its simple as that!

Which model are most Americans living in? The statistics say it all!

If you're missing appointments, not doing your spinal exercises, eating poorly, taking dangerous medications and not exercising regularly, you're one step closer to a life of cancer, heart disease and early death!
Its your choice! you can live in the Maximized Living Model or end up another statistic in the medical model... ITS UP TO YOU! 
5 basic essentials to live the best life possible: 
1. Toxicity affects hormones balance and gland function
2. Proper spinal alignment has a marked effect of how well the Central Nervous System runs your body.
3. Proper nutrition is essential to good health.
4. Motion. Life is motion. Sedentary lifestyle has damaging effects to function. strength and mental health.
5. Get adequate sleep and reduce stress levels.

Lipitor ad by Pfizer: 

"That means in a large clinical study, 3% of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor." Now do some simple math. The numbers in that sentence mean that for every 100 people in the trial study, which lasted three years, three people on placebos and two people on Lipitor had heart attacks. The difference credited tot he drug? There was one fewer heart attack per 100 people. 99 people had to take Lipitor for three years without measurable benefit. If people with no prior heart disease were told that only 1 in 100 is likely to benefit from taking statin drugs for years, most people would probably choose to opt out.

Do you know that one of the common causes of neuropathy (peripheral neuropathy) in people is the use of Lipitor? You should search out other options or at least another drug. 

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Recent Research Studies you Should Know

  • Chiropractic patients are 55% less likely to be pt on opioids 
    • Jour Alter Comp Med 2018; June 24 (6); 552-56

  • Osteoporotic rats were adjusted 3x/wk for 6 weeks. Follow up testing showed increased bone formation in the rats from when they began. To help osteoporosis, do upright exercises (i.e walking, running, tennis), basic yoga poses held for 30-45 seconds each and nutrition. 

  • Fosamax, Atelvia and Actonel (used for treatment food osteoporosis) actually breaks the bone matrix down and there is a fracture expectation of about 5 years. 

  • Just 30 minutes of poor posture in actually increases depression and lessened energy 

  • There is a condition called "text neck" simply related to the posture we assume when looking at our phones for long periods. It is actually a revered neck curve of what is a normal curvature. Did you know a "rebound headache" is actually a headache brought on by the use of aspirin and pain pills. The thing you take to help the headache makes the headaches more pronounced and on-going.