Do you remember high school chemistry class when we learned about pH? It provides a measure between 0 (almost acidic) and +1 (most alkaline). Our body sits near a normal pH of about 7.6. Research has shown us that inflammation and disease, including heart disease and cancer, occur in more acidic environments. Our current day diets of common sense would tell us, then, that better health and body healing will come from and alkaline environment. So the question is, how do we make our bodies more alkaline? The following are some ways you can help your body return
1. Eat more vegetables, beans and nuts. Increase green, leafy foods.
2. reduce acidic foods, including red meats, eggs, carbs and refined sugar.
3. Reduce or stop alcohol intake and greatly increase alkaline water Most alkaline water has a pH near 9 while regular water or tap water is near 6.5 to 7.0.
4.Increase alkaline drinks, such as lemon water or peppermint tea.
5. Exercise at least 30 minutes 4-5x a week.
6. Stress can contribute to acid build-up. so jump into yoga, meditation and other deep breathing techniques to help you relax and "de-stress."
Keep in mind, if you eat healthier foods and drink more water, your acidic body will move towards alkaline. This will decrease inflammation in the body. This in turn will promote healing in your body of many conditions and maladies affecting you right now. If you are diagnosed with cancer, it just may be the thing that improves your health and saves your life.
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