Monday, September 9, 2019

Chiropractic Myths

Chiropractic Myths

There are few people that talk about chiropractic and how it hurts. I'm going to do something special today because... I think, once you know the truth, you know why these are myths.

Myth #1- Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt. 
FACT: Most patients actually feel a sense of relief, and the adjustment will cause no pain. As a doctor of chiropractic I make adjustments to your spine through specific movements - shifting the body to provide motion to the joints that may be "locked up."

Myth #2 - Chiropractic Care is Very Expensive.
FACT: Studies indicate that chiropractic care is actually more cost-effective that traditional medicine. Some doctors and several researchers examined data from 85,000 people utilizing Blue Cross Blue Shield over a period of 2 years. They found that people who receive treatment for low back pain through a chiropractic doctor instead of a medical doctor -- incurred costs that were 40% lower! Now I don't know about you, but that sounds like chiropractic care is actually less expensive. I don't know the last time you were in the hospital, but if you're in there at least three days your bill will be over $100,000 dollars on most occasions.

Would you rather be wealthy or just not poor?
Would you rather be attractive or just not ugly?
Would you rather be fit or just not fat?
Would you rather be happy or just not miserable?
Would you rather be successful or just not destitute?

Would you rather be HEALTHY or just not SICK?

These questions seem simple, but sadly, most people go through life with the high goal of simply avoiding sickness. A lot of people think that as long as they are not sick that they must be healthy, but that is as flawed a thought as saying "as long as I am not in debt, then i must be rich." It just doesn't work that way!

It comes down to focusing on the positive rather than merely avoiding the negative. Each day people take medication to simply remove symptoms and then call that "healthcare." How on earth could that be called healthcare when you aren't working toward health... You are just working to avoid sickness? I call what most Americans are doing "sick-care" rather than health care.

The take home message is that chiropractic promote health by removing interference body ability to function as its God-given potential.