Thursday, December 19, 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Saturday, November 9, 2019
WHO Says No to Drugs and Surgery in Back Pain Guidelines
WHO Says No to Drugs and Surgery in Back Pain Guidelines
Sherry McAllisterFollow
Executive Vice President Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
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Clinical guideline research commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) contends that healthcare providers should first recommend drug-free and non-surgical care to back pain patients.
In an article in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, “Care for low back pain: can health systems deliver?” researchers reviewed six sets of updated international guidelines for managing low back pain (LBP), pointing out that all recommend avoiding medication and surgery, if possible. They also stress that after educating patients about LBP and urging them to remain active, providers ought to consider recommending therapies such as spinal manipulation, most often performed by a doctor of chiropractic (DC), as well as massage and exercise. International guidelines also prioritize psychological and complementary therapies, such as stress reduction, yoga, acupuncture and tai chi, over medical and surgical interventions.
The growing consensus that LBP management should not begin, or even involve, medications and surgery means patient care requires a multidisciplinary team effort. For example, a primary care physician would collaborate with a DC, a physical therapist or a psychologist, or all of the above to help reduce patients’ pain without potentially harmful medications such as opioids, which recent evidence shows are ineffective for managing long-term LBP.
Team-Based Care Works
Care for LBP that involves a multidisciplinary team, including DCs, has been shown to be very effective in managing the condition. For example, one of the most comprehensive studies involved nine medical facilities with on-site chiropractic care, including five hospitals and four clinics. The study included 135 stakeholders including DCs, other clinicians, support staff, administrators and patients. Researchers found chiropractic care was perceived to have high value among patients, medical providers and the administration. Patient satisfaction scores for chiropractic care were reported as being among the highest of all providers.
Another study of 750 active-duty U.S. military personnel at three sites across the country, found that those who received collaborative care that included chiropractic manipulation integrated with usual medical care reported more improvement in LBP intensity and disability compared with those who did not receive spinal manipulation.
Less Costly Options
DCs are also less costly members of the care team, according to data presented at a National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Workshop in December 2018. Findings presented by Optum, the health services subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, showed that a conservative care approach involving chiropractic care or physical therapy for LBP costs the insurer approximately $619 per episode, while primary care costs $728 and care from a specialist costs $1,728. The insurer expects it could save $230 million and reduce opioid prescribing by 26 percent over two years if half of their members would first pursue a conservative approach for their LBP.
These benefits align with the WHO’s research findings and recommendations, as well as the growing body of evidence on LBP management. The next step will likely be helping patients access conservative care methods through health-plan incentives such as lower co-pays and fewer benefit restrictions so they can experience long-term relief and improved mobility.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Monday, September 9, 2019
Chiropractic Myths
Chiropractic Myths
There are few people that talk about chiropractic and how it hurts. I'm going to do something special today because... I think, once you know the truth, you know why these are myths.Myth #1- Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt.
FACT: Most patients actually feel a sense of relief, and the adjustment will cause no pain. As a doctor of chiropractic I make adjustments to your spine through specific movements - shifting the body to provide motion to the joints that may be "locked up."
Myth #2 - Chiropractic Care is Very Expensive.
FACT: Studies indicate that chiropractic care is actually more cost-effective that traditional medicine. Some doctors and several researchers examined data from 85,000 people utilizing Blue Cross Blue Shield over a period of 2 years. They found that people who receive treatment for low back pain through a chiropractic doctor instead of a medical doctor -- incurred costs that were 40% lower! Now I don't know about you, but that sounds like chiropractic care is actually less expensive. I don't know the last time you were in the hospital, but if you're in there at least three days your bill will be over $100,000 dollars on most occasions.
Would you rather be wealthy or just not poor?
Would you rather be attractive or just not ugly?
Would you rather be fit or just not fat?
Would you rather be happy or just not miserable?
Would you rather be successful or just not destitute?
Would you rather be HEALTHY or just not SICK?
These questions seem simple, but sadly, most people go through life with the high goal of simply avoiding sickness. A lot of people think that as long as they are not sick that they must be healthy, but that is as flawed a thought as saying "as long as I am not in debt, then i must be rich." It just doesn't work that way!
It comes down to focusing on the positive rather than merely avoiding the negative. Each day people take medication to simply remove symptoms and then call that "healthcare." How on earth could that be called healthcare when you aren't working toward health... You are just working to avoid sickness? I call what most Americans are doing "sick-care" rather than health care.
The take home message is that chiropractic promote health by removing interference body ability to function as its God-given potential.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Arthritis Patients Turn to Chiropractic
Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of your joints. Inflammation of the joints from arthritis is catarterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth. Tenderness of the inflamed join can be present. Loss of range of motion and deformity can also result. Certain forms of arthritis can also be associated with pain and inflammation of tendons surrounding your joints.
Millions of people suffer daily with pain and disability form arthritis or its complications. Moreover, many of the forms of arthritis, because they are rheumatic disease, can cause symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints.
Therefore, symptoms in some patients with certain forms of arthritis can also include fever, gland swelling, weight loss, fatigue, feeling unwell, and even symptoms from abnormalities of organs such as the lungs, heart or kidneys.
The Annals of Internal Medicine (of all places) published the results of a survey of 232 people who has arthritis and were under rheumatologist care. Of those responding to the survey 63% were using some form of "complementary car" as named by the study.
Of those people that responded, 31% were using chiropractic.
These numbers may themselves be grossly under reported as only 45% of the patients told their doctor about using the other forms of care. A lot of patients never tell their M.D./D.O. that they are using a Doctor of Chiropractic.
These reported numbers translate to over 19% of the public who are seeing a rheumatologist and also a chiropractor act the same time.
Possibly the most impressive statistic was that 73% of those trying chiropractic found it helpful. The reason given why people said they tried the non-medical care was to 'control pain', because they "hears it helps", "because it is safe", "because it helped someone they know", and "because their prescription medication wasn't working".
Chiropractic care is great for PAIN CONTROL, but don't forget... it helps every cell tissue, and organ in your body.
The idea that disease can be cured and that it should be cured and that cures exist, if only they can be found, (cancer, MS, Lou Gehrig's) came into existence in the days of ignorance and darkest superstition
The idea simply stated, is that health can be restored without removing the causes of its impairment. The idea is that some extra-vital agent or influence can, of its own power, restore health to a sick organism
Only Your Body Heals
All You Have to Do Is Remove the Interference
Chiropractic Adjustments Remove the Interference
No More Ear Infections?
The constant crying and sleepless nights take as much f a toll on parents as they do on the child.Ear infections (which is called acute otitis media) are one of the top reasons for pediatrician appointments and about 50% of all children experience their first one before they even reach their first birthday!
This Does NOT Have To Happen
The symptoms of ear infection may include pain, fever, irritability, and loss of appetite. Pulling on the ear or shaking their head is usually a sigh that your child has ear pain.
Sometimes the pressure causing the pain in the middle ear builds to a point where the eardrum bursts, and blood and pus are discharged from the ear, giving you real cause for concern.
Relax, generally your child will feel better once this has occurred and the hole in the ear allows any remaining fluid to drain.
Many pediatricians treat ear infections with a round of antibiotics. Chronic ear infections? The doctor will usually recommend insertion of ear tunes to "keep everything working properly."
Heres something most people don't realize. Research over the past decade or so shows that a conservative approach is often the best response. In fact, recurrent ear infections often result from medication given to your child for the first ear infection, including chiders pain relievers and decongestants!
Some believe that allergies, particularity to dairy products which increase mucous production, may cause chronic ear infections. Once removed form your child's diet, the incidence of ear infections may drop significantly. Breast feeding, particularly during the first few months of life, is associated with fewer ear infections in babies; it also gives added protection against other types of infection.
One study found that 93 percent of all childhood ear infections improved with chiropractic care. Seventy-five percent of the cases showed improvement in less than 10 days while 43 percent improved with only an adjustment or two! all this without drugs or surgery! Do you have-pro know- a child we can help?
What are artificial dyes doing to us and our children?
That have been linked to a wide variety of learning and concentration issues. they are strongly associates with ADHD. Kids in particular are sensitive to these effects and on top of that, many kid's foods are loaded with artificial colors. Look for them on labels. They are already banned in parts of Europe ver these concerns. The worst ones are: red 3 & 40, yellow 5 & 6, and blue 2.
Did you know.....??
People who use aspirin or other MSAIDS have a hospitilization rate 5 times that of the general population.
-University of Texas Southwestern Medical Research
"A focus on bronchodilators as the only therapy for asthma is inappropriate. It is symptomatic therapy that has nothing to do with the healing process."
-Dr. Michael Kaliner
Head of allergic Disease Section, National Institute of Heath
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Helping "restless leg syndrome' is simple and easy.
Helping "restless leg syndrome' is simple and easy.
1. Increase fluids like water and Gatorade (especially in hot weather). You should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water, i.e. a 150 lb. person needs roughly 75 oz. of water daily. Gatorade helps replace salts into the muscles like sodium and potassium. This will help the muscles relax.2. Chiropractic care will help. The muscles only do what your nerves into legs instruct them to do. The leg muscles will not work ideally if the message from the spinal nerves in the low back is not adequate.
3. Magnesium. Magnesium help to relax muscle spasms, charley horses, cramps etc. Pure magnesium supplementation will help.
Medicines and pills are NOT needed. Be well naturally with out the damage of taking medicines.
Children under 4 should not be given over-the-counter cough and cold remedies, drug companies said in a concession to pediatricians who doubt the drugs do much good and worry about risks.
Pediatricians, who have been calling for a ban on OTC cough and cold remedies for children under 6, welcomed the industry's latest shift. "Its a huge step forward," said Joshua Sharfstein, Baltimore's health commissioner.
Are You Choosing Life or Early Death?
from Charlie Majors and Time Weselak
Medical Model
1:2 people die of Heart Disease
1:3 people die of Cancer
2 people die every minute
1.5 million Americans injured in hospitals
Every 30 seconds someone dies with Cancer
999,936 people die due to Medicine
Maximized Living Model
200% stronger immune systems
Less Medications
Less Hospital and Doctor Visis
Building Health
Preventing Disease
100% Nervous System Function
If you or your family are living in the medical model your one step closer to a life of sickness, suffering, disease and and early death!
If you and your family are living in the Chiropractic Maximized Living Model you're living a life of health, wellness and vitality!
You either get it and live it or you don't!
Its simple as that!
Which model are most Americans living in? The statistics say it all!
If you're missing appointments, not doing your spinal exercises, eating poorly, taking dangerous medications and not exercising regularly, you're one step closer to a life of cancer, heart disease and early death!
Its your choice! you can live in the Maximized Living Model or end up another statistic in the medical model... ITS UP TO YOU!
5 basic essentials to live the best life possible:
1. Toxicity affects hormones balance and gland function2. Proper spinal alignment has a marked effect of how well the Central Nervous System runs your body.
3. Proper nutrition is essential to good health.
4. Motion. Life is motion. Sedentary lifestyle has damaging effects to function. strength and mental health.
5. Get adequate sleep and reduce stress levels.
Lipitor ad by Pfizer:
"That means in a large clinical study, 3% of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor." Now do some simple math. The numbers in that sentence mean that for every 100 people in the trial study, which lasted three years, three people on placebos and two people on Lipitor had heart attacks. The difference credited tot he drug? There was one fewer heart attack per 100 people. 99 people had to take Lipitor for three years without measurable benefit. If people with no prior heart disease were told that only 1 in 100 is likely to benefit from taking statin drugs for years, most people would probably choose to opt out.
Do you know that one of the common causes of neuropathy (peripheral neuropathy) in people is the use of Lipitor? You should search out other options or at least another drug.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Recent Research Studies you Should Know
- Chiropractic patients are 55% less likely to be pt on opioids
- Jour Alter Comp Med 2018; June 24 (6); 552-56
- Osteoporotic rats were adjusted 3x/wk for 6 weeks. Follow up testing showed increased bone formation in the rats from when they began. To help osteoporosis, do upright exercises (i.e walking, running, tennis), basic yoga poses held for 30-45 seconds each and nutrition.
- Fosamax, Atelvia and Actonel (used for treatment food osteoporosis) actually breaks the bone matrix down and there is a fracture expectation of about 5 years.
- Just 30 minutes of poor posture in actually increases depression and lessened energy
- There is a condition called "text neck" simply related to the posture we assume when looking at our phones for long periods. It is actually a revered neck curve of what is a normal curvature. Did you know a "rebound headache" is actually a headache brought on by the use of aspirin and pain pills. The thing you take to help the headache makes the headaches more pronounced and on-going.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
If you’re diabetic, have prediabetes, or are simply worried about your sugar intake, you may be overlooking a certain mainstay in your cupboards
White rice is a food typically considered a staple in most diets. With this in mind, it may come as a surprise hat white ice in large doses can increase the risk for diabetes.
This understanding explains why diabetic rates are higher in Asians than other populations. Contrary to previous theories, it’s not a matter of genetics, but the levels of starch found in white rice. In such large amounts, starch can flood the body with blood sugar, thereby increasing diabetic risk. How much of a risk are we talking? Well, according to Zee Yoon Kang, chief executive of the Health Promotion Board, when white rice is eaten daily, it can increase the risk of developing diabetes by up to 11%.
On average, one bowl of rice has about double the level of carbohydrates of a can of soda.All of this excess sugar can put a strain on the pancreas; this is because the pancreas, by means of insulin production, converts the sugar in our blood into usable energy. Certain foods, white rice among them, cause problems then by dumping too much sugar into the blood at one time. When there is too much sugar in the blood, the event is referred to as a ‘sugar spike’. Sugar spikes are bad for the body because they overtax the pancreas, which makes it less effective in the future. What this means is over time, the pancreas gets weaker and weaker, which limits its ability to generate insulin. This means sugar levels in the body steadily rise as a result.
Fortunately, the solution is simple: eat brown rice!Studies show that even replacing as little as 20% of the white rice you consume with brown rice can cut diabetic risk. Furthermore, brown rice, as well as other varieties of rice, simply packs more of a nutritional punch than typical white rice anyway.

Medication Headaches
British neurologist Dr. Simon Ellis2thinks he has figured out why daily chronic headaches have become epidemic in many industrialized countries. The reason, he says, is overuse of pain medication.
Writing in the British Medical Associations Postgraduate Medical Journal,3Dr. Ellis says that painkillers can turn acute headaches into chronic ones. One way to get rid of headaches that go on for months, he says, is to simply discontinue the pain medication. He thinks that pharmaceutical companies should put a warning on the label that overuse can lead to chronic headache pain.4
2. Dr. Simon Ellis, Department of Neurology, North Staffordshite Royal Infirmary
3. PMJ, April 1997
4. Associated Press, April 14, 1997

- Lipitor is manufactured by Pfizer. It is the world’s largest selling drug and was the first drug to reach $10 billion in worldwide sales. It has earned Pfizer close to $50 billion in revenue since 2000
- 60 known side effects include stomach pains, abnormal heartbeat, back pain, chest pain, constipation, decreased sex drive, diarrhea, distorted facial muscles, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, lack of coordination, leg cramps/spasms, muscle aching/weakness/wasting away, tingling. Numbness of hands, arms, legs and feet (known as “neuropathy,” and unstable emotions.
- New guidelines issued recently come from 9 “cholesterol experts,” six of which received consulting or speaking fees/income, research
money or other support from the makers of widely used anti-cholesterol drugs.
- Elevated cholesterol is a sign of hypothyroidism. Low thyroid inhabits the absorption of B Vitamins. Instead of putting Lipitor in your body to lower Natural Cholesterols, why not deal with thyroid function and see if that is the answer? (Get to the cause of the problem,now there’s and idea.
-Drug companies now want cholesterol drugs to be used with children as young as 8 years old. If only 10% of those children were prescribed Lipitor, it would generate an extra$2.5 billion in sales per year! (Do you think the drug company might push this for an extra $2 billion per year?!!)
Can Chiropractic Adjustments Help Your Arthritis?
Got a quick question for you. Is arthritis affecting your quality of life? Chiropractic is a healthy alternative.
I feel that getting regular chiropractic care does help, so the answer to that question is a resounding YES! Let’s take a look and see WHY and HOW.
There are TWO different conditions known as “arthritis”. By definition, “arthritis” is inflammationof the joints. (If you have any kind of inflammation, I strongly recommend a product called “INFLAMMATION”, which you can get here at the office.) But, there are actually two kinds of “arthritis”.
First, there’s osteoarthritis, sometimes referred to as “wear and tear” arthritis. This includes DJD r Degenerative Joint Disease. Then, there are several variations of rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis or “wear and tear arthritis” is just that, a sort of wearing a way of your join(s) which over time will take its toll on how you act, feel, and move. It typically shows up as you age (only because you’re NOT doing the right things, or you did the wrong things when you were younger and now they’re showing up later in life) OR after years of excessive use, say from a job, or you do something respectively that causes a wear on your joint.
Many people tell me “The orthopedist told me the disc in my neck and low back worn down because of my age.” My response is “Well, how old are the other discs in your spine? I think they’re all the same age, so why did one of them wear out faster than the other ones?”
DJD or osteoarthritis of the spine, is usually caused by bones in the spine that are NOT in alignment and/or postural distortions. If the front end of your car is misaligned, it’s going to wear out the tires, no matter how careful you drive.
The discs (like the tires on that care I just mentioned) wear away and your body tries to stabilize the area. On x-ray this reaction looks like little bone spurs. It’s actually the body trying to “fuse” these vertebrae in order to protect you. Usually the problem is not noticed until the disc is about gone and the spurs (or osteophytes) start to press on nerves, causing pain.
The standard medical approach to “wear and tear “arthritis is self-medication with over-the-counter painkillers and NSAIDS, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Tylenol, Advil, etc. If not resolved the right way, you can end up on steroids or prescription painkillers that can lead to addiction.
The eventual medical solution is surgery, sometimes very risky surgery with long-term consequences. The other type of arthritis, called Rheumatoid arthritis, is am inflammatory autoimmune condition that causes pain, swelling and disfiguration, usually easily seen in the hands.As with most autoimmune conditions, the cause is unknown, so no one really KNOWS for sure what causes this.
Yet, medical treatments start with over-the-counter painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, then prescription painkillers, then immunosuppressant drugs. The mandatory warnings on these drugs warn you of infection, disease and even death

Aspartame Is Dangerous for Everyone (AKA NurtaSweet)
“I know that the average consumer has a devil-may-care-something-is-gonna-to-kill-me… but they don’t realize that before THIS stuff kills they are going to have a miserable declining existence with LOTS of pain and other problems (not to mention cancer, tumors, and maybe even Alzheimer or similar things) before death solves the problem.”
- An Aspartame Victim
Long-Term Damage
It appears to cause slow, silent damage in those unfortunate enough to not have immediate reactions and a reason to avoid it. It may take one year, five years, 10 years, or 40 years, but it seems to cause some reversible and some irreversible changes in health over long-term use.
Brain Cancer
Aspartame caused large brain tumors in life-long animal experiments at a dose that could be considered within the “Acceptable Daily Intake” limit after adjusting for differences in metabolism of aspartames breakdown products between humans and rodents.
Uterine Polyps
Pre-approval experiments showed that an aspartame breakdown product caused uterine polyps in experimental animals.
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